Current Work at the United Nations

More than 1 million Chilean people protested in Santiago, the capital of Chile, to demand higher wages, more jobs, better living conditions, and removal of cabinet members. I am working as a data scientist at the UN to provide data science product solutions to present the labor market dynamics to the labor ministers of Latin America and Caribean countries and assisting economists in designing better labor policies for sustainable economic developments.

Big data transformation certainly changed the way how traditional research is done in economics. Following the research of University of Oxford of the Global Online Labor Index, the Economic Comission of Latin America and the Caribbean to take it from the regional approach to create Online Labor Market Data Observatory to study the labor market dynamics in the Latin America and the Caribbean regions.

The original research of the University of Oxford only covers the Alexa ranked popular freelancing websites. After researching, I chose to approach the problem across 33 countries temporally and in 2 types of labor market with both demand and supply covered: global freelancing market and domestic local market. To address both the global freelancing market and the domestic labor market. I collect the demanded skills, education level, experience, contract type, salary, local information, and other labor-related data per city, per country, and per sector on both freelancing platforms and on several local based online job networks. I work with economists to draw on a variety of complementary sources from the international, pan-regional, and national levels to analyze freelancing, full-time, and part-time markets. I am in the process of standardizing the data preprocessing procedures and also creating the dashboards for visualizations. This is an ongoing research project, and I am motivated to use data science to facilitate regional evidence-based labor policy change with the United Nations.

Parts of my visualizations:


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Dag hammarskjöld 3477
Vitacura, Santiago, Región Metropolitana de Santiago 7630000